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2023-present Research on "Responsible AI in Education" with a focus on raising children for an AI-powered future through whole child education. Designed online programs with a focus on "Chatgpt, AI and Writing" with our partner organizations (e.g. Create & Learn). 


2023-present Multicultural book reviewer project. Partnered with publishers and authors from SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) and MCBD for classroom teachers and students to review their new publications.


2020-present Consultant for Creative Real World Writing/Multimedia digital writing and book clubs, Children's Art Foundation-Stone Soup. Also created a creative writing program & writing contest in collaboration with art museum and studios.


2020-present  Founding Committee, Facilitator and Researcher. National Book Club for Kids






2019-2022 International Consultant for RGEP (Renovating General Education project) on the new National General Education Curriculum and Textbooks, Vietnam Ministry of Education & Training/ United Nations' World Bank.


2019-2020  Curriculum design and Teacher Ed for Online/Blended Learning; Children's literature as textbooks in TESOL. Dewey Future Education, U.S./China. 


2018-2020  Civic Engagement and Multicultural Ed for Middle Schoolers. First Unitarian Church of San Jose, C.A. 


2015-2020  Design thinking for real world learning (K-5). Discovery Charter School, C.A.  


2017-2019  Teaching 21st century skills in the public speaking and practical writing classes. Chief Content/Curriculum Officer, Able2shine, C.A.  


2010-2014     Learning to Write in the Digital Age: ELLs' Literacy Practices in and out of Their Western Urban High School. San Jose Unified School District, C.A.   


2005-2010     Various research projects on curriculum & instruction, language and literature, and teacher ed. Literacy Achievement Research Center; Dept. of Teacher Education, Michigan State University, M.I.  


2003-2005    Writing, Identity and Virtual Environment. Dept. of Learning, Technology & Culture, Michigan State University, M.I.  


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