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Oliver Chin 是一位出版作家、漫画专家和出版商。他最近出版了一本令人兴奋的插图选集《令人敬畏的亚裔美国人:20 位让美国惊艳的明星》 。他还出版了二十多本儿童绘本,包括亚洲名人堂系列、广受欢迎的十二生肖系列(12本)、黑带朱莉系列等书籍。他的第一本书是9-11的漫画小说和体育评论《姚明之道》。 

奥利弗 1991 年以优异的成绩从哈佛毕业。他的家人住在加利福尼亚州的旧金山。

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Michael G.

Michael is an active sports podcaster and history/language arts high school educator & former school principal with a wealth of experience teaching in many different places throughout Alaska from rural Native Alaskan communities to a CTE High School. Currently, he works in one of the largest and most diverse school districts in the United States. In 2015, he published The Integration of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Academic Curricula: An Effective Model for Teacher with the University of Alaska. Most recent projects are continuing to grow his podcast (Hit the Post Sports Podcast), writing books, and being part of the next innovative methods to education. 

He has two master degrees from the University of Alaska Anchorage in Educational Leadership and Career & Technical Education. He has a BA in History and Secondary Education from the University of Northern Colorado.  

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Andy H.

Andy is a sci-fi and fantasy enthusiast. He recently published his debut novel, Generations of Shade, an adventure and fantasy fiction with sci-fi elements. Although his first passion is creative writing, he also creates animations, illustrations, and independent video games, and is always eager to experiment with and explore new ideas. He is currently working on The Trials of Immortality, an epic fantasy series that explores the nature of death, immortality, and human freedom, centering on the young dark mage Nila Straese. Hsieh graduated with his B.A. in Philosophy, Law and Society in 2017.


Ian J.

Ian is an experienced podcaster, writer, and educator. He is the writer and narrator of Tales from the Moosiverse, an ongoing story podcast for kids ages 4-12, launched in 2019.

He earned his M.Ed. in curriculum design from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and worked at Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education for 14 years before launching his own facilitation and consulting company, Building Bridges Leadership. He has been teaching online storytelling and podcasting classes since the beginning of the pandemic to equip students in finding and expressing their unique voice in a supportive community environment.

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Susan Miller 

As a teacher, Susan J. Miller focuses on giving students the kind of teacher my kids loved to have — patient and caring, with high expectations, and the eagerness to work with youth.  If we listen, youth can teach adults so much more. She has three degrees: Masters in Education from Stanford University, Bachelor of Arts in English with Honors from San Jose State University and Associate of Arts in Photography from De Anza Community College; and three credentials: California Teaching Credential in English, Administrative Credential, Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development credential.  But her experience with a variety of students and her passion to learn and teach is the most essential in her teaching.  When she's not teaching, she is writing, walking, or learning more to improve her own writing, her Spanish fluency, and her craft of teaching.  She is currently working on a book of poetry and a novel.

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大卫是一位作家、诗人和编辑。他曾在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校教授语言和文学课程;德克萨斯州布拉佐体育学院;和 L'Université Paris X—法国的南泰尔。 除了在学术研究方面的专业知识外,他还在 和纽约写作团体Queens Poetic Alchemy Collective 拥有丰富的数字写作、编辑和教学经验。他制作并导演了五部舞台剧。他的翻译和编辑工作包括那些舞台剧和一部纪录片。

他拥有德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的 ABD 和法国文学/法语研究硕士学位以及英语(创意写作)和法语学士学位。 


格斯 B. 

Gus 是一位经验丰富的视频剪辑师和摄像师,擅长在整个电影过程中满足客户的需求。他是奥斯汀电影节的教学艺术家和电影讲师。他教授使用智能手机或平板电脑作为电影制作工具。这


伊娃 C.

Eva 是经过认证的乐高学院培训师,面向对使用基于 LEGO Education STEAM 产品的技术感兴趣的教师。除了学区的专业发展外,她还在 K-12 学校教授机器人技术并指导机器人竞赛。她的热情是把科学,整合艺术,让它成为美丽的科学,抓住你的头脑,调整你的想法,想要创造一些伟大的东西。然后教给孩子们,让他们想要学习和创造。



Elise 是一名机械制造工程师。她曾担任总统 硅谷工程委员会,硅谷最大的工程协会伞式组织。她曾在 K-8 课后课程中教授 STEM 课程,并举办过许多 STEAM 博览会和 Maker Fairs。 

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Raymond 是 Next Force Technology 的高级软件工程师。他在该行业拥有 20 多年的经验。 他在儿子的学校和湾区的夏令营中担任丰富的老师,同时培养了向孩子们教授 3D 设计的热情。 

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