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读懂并明智规划高中课程, 用优异学术成绩敲响梦校之门! Plan your courses wisely and get admitted to your dream school!

2023-07-25(星期二 Tuesday) 5:30 PM PT 8:30 PM ET
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讲座内容 What we will cover


Academic performance has become a stepping stone to the top US schools! The Crimson Public Webinar will reveal to you how to make a forward-looking academic plan: How to use scientific strategies to escort academic excellence, what kind of course selection and academic performance top universities favor, and the vital role AP plays in college admissions.


讲座嘉宾 Speaker

特色和优势 Why Crimson

Crimson Education是世界上最成功的美英大学升学咨询公司。Crimson辅导的学生被世界上最好的、竞争最激烈的大学录取的几率是自主申请的学生的4倍。

Crimson Education is the world's most successful US and UK university admissions consulting company. Crimson-mentored students are 4X more likely to be admitted to the best and most competitive universities in the world than students who apply on their own!

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